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Substance Use Services

Outpatient Care

BAC is home to an OASAS-licensed outpatient substance use treatment clinic called First Steps, which is located at our 2261 Church Ave site in Brooklyn, NY. Clients enter this program with a motivation to progress in their recovery and are determined to utilizing harm reduction in order to work towards a healthy lifestyle. In addition to receiving treatment, clients will also learn about the risks of engaging in substance use and how they can affect our bodies in both short-term and long-term instances.
image of BAC is home to an OASAS-licensed outpatient substance use treatment clinic called First Steps, which is located at our 2261 Church Ave site in Brooklyn, NY.  Clients enter this program with a motivation to progress in their recovery and are determined to utilizing harm reduction in order to work towards a healthy lifestyle. In addition to receiving treatment, clients will also learn about the risks of engaging in substance use and how they can affect our bodies in both short-term and long-term instances.

Program information

BAC is home to an OASAS-licensed outpatient substance use treatment clinic called First Steps, which is located at our 2261 Church Ave site in Brooklyn, NY.Clients enter this program with a motivation to progress in their recovery and are determined to utilizing harm reduction in order to work towards a healthy lifestyle. In addition to receiving treatment, clients will also learn about the risks of engaging in substance use and how they can affect our bodies in both short-term and long-term instances.


Individual counseling
Support groups
Drug testing
Insurance coverage
Dual diagnosis
Medication assistance & management
Linkage to Care
Telehealth Options

Eligibility information

Clients who have been diagnosed with substance use disorder can walk through our doors and join our programs to guide their recovery journey.

Diagnosed with substance use disorder
Ages 18+

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